Did you know that 3700 people die EVERY DAY in car accidents in the world? And that air travel is 700 times more dangerous than travelling by car when factored over the same denominator?
The mission of 107.one is to replace the reason the dangerous airplane was originally invented: to deliver the mail, by a safer, less polluting method of travel – bike and bike trailer – and alleviate unnecessary deaths.
Each of our 33” by 96” trailers can tote 800 lbs of weight – or 3 appliances: stove, fridge and dryer, for instance, and each bike mover can pull 10 times his weight by bicycle, on the flat, eliminating the need for dangerous transportation causing road kill. Our finely tuned procedure for finding flat terrain even amongst the most mountainous areas is impressive, to say the least; all without the use of deadly cellphone technologies that harm people, plants and animals everywhere.
To make us even more humanitarian: all our profits – approximately 30% of our bike moving revenues – go towards feeding the poor in Third World countries that make only 1-2$ per day, nowhere near enough to live on.
A truck is a very expensive piece of machinery. Expensive to purchase and then to maintain so that it passes inspection every year. Not to mention the astronomical cost of fossil fuel a truck constantly requires. Students love us! The use of cheaper and easy to maintain bikes and bike trailers permit us to pass extravagant savings onto our customers that are easy on the wallet…
… And more healthy for our workers and for the environment. The planet and its inhabitants have never been more in need of methods of transportation that don’t pollute. If we continue on the path that we are headed, there will be no more topsoil on the Earth by 2054. Carbon emissions through the roof? What about good old physical labour? Why not let us help you become carbon neutral?
When you use our zero-emission moving services, you also support our international bike transportation network, prioritizing organic food and supplement transportation by organic vegan mountain-bike Olympians.
Still worried about carbon emissions? We’ve got you covered. A certain dollar amount from every move goes towards planting trees in defavorized communities worldwide!